
Deutsch Matti Deutsch Matti

Wie es mir in dieser schwierigen Zeit geht

Ich bin ganz alleine in meiner Wohnung. Ich koche Essen alleine, bete alleine, gucke TV-Serien alleine, und mache alles anders alleine. Es stört mich aber nicht alleine zu sein. Auf diese Weise kann ich mich wirklich auf mich selbst konzentrieren.

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Matti Matti

Breaking through I

As a 6 or 7 year old, I remember a relative pointing at a burning campfire and saying: "If you're not a good boy, you'll burn in there forever." I used to think God was a mean, punishing power. That if I cussed or didn't honor my parents or wore shorts above the knee (seriously!) I'd burn in hell for eternity.

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Matti Matti

A Raucous Life

Crazy. Lovable. Intense. Genuine. Impulsive. Creative. Attention-seeking. Sweet. There’s so many ways to describe Daniel. We first met at a bar in Amsterdam called Prik. Daniel approached me because he thought I was 17 years old. After later discovering I was in fact 26, Daniel said: “The bar must have been very dark.” Shortly after meeting, Daniel introduced me to the rest of his friends. All of his friends were normal, unlike him. What a surprise!

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